Share your voice with the world

We’re in the process of writing a book called
‘Collaborating for Compassion’.

It’s for young people like you (aged between 15-35yrs),
to share your voice, so that together,
we can create a world that works for all.

Diversity and representation
We want to value and celebrate young voices from around the world.
We’d love to invite your thoughts, feelings and ideas into the co-creation of this book.
This is a space to use your heart to guide you, to share your passion,
strengths and what makes you joyful!

Here’s a personal invitation to you, that shares more details about the book…

Get featured in the book
There are several chapters you can contribute to,
which we’re providing a template for.
It’s super easy and quick, only short answers are needed,
for a few reflective questions, which should take around 15mins.
We’ll then get in touch to discuss featuring them
in the book, with credit to you.
Please select one chapter to fill in the relevant template.

The submission date is 20th June 2021

Chapter 1: Awakening Compassion
Unity in Diversity, Appreciation and Gratitude, Focusing on “What is working well in life?”, Love, Serve and Remember; Humility, Understanding and Gratitude.
Chapter 2: Healthy Living

What is the foundation for healthy living, how does this relate to our eating and exercising habits, how our thoughts and feelings affect our health?

Chapter 3: Creating Our Own Life

Finding our Gifts and Serving; Finding our life purpose and being of service. Creative expression, Self-appreciation, Self-love. LIFE as Love in Full Expression. 

Chapter 4: Relating to Others with Ease and Grace

Emotional intelligence, Listening, Speaking the truth; Compassion and the Golden Rule; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Chapter 5: Wholesome Food

How food can lead to health and freedom or to slavery; Forgotten foods that can heal the earth; The power of a Vegan diet; Compassion for ourselves, animals, farmers and the soil.

Chapter 6: Living in Harmony with Nature

What are some things we can do to care for Nature? What does harmony mean? How can our lives be pure and wholesome in their impact alignment with Nature? What are the choices we have?

Make a difference
We truly are all one, and wouldn’t be able to live this life without one another.
It’s important that every young person’s voice is heard from all over the world.
So feel free to share this opportunity with your friends and family.

With much love and celebration to you and all you are